zondag 9 maart 2025
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maandag 3 februari 2025
vrijdag 31 januari 2025
maandag 13 januari 2025
zondag 12 januari 2025
zaterdag 11 januari 2025
maandag 10 juni 2024
Hard work pays off
š„Hard work pays off.
When they said "Daily Pay!" I thought you get paid on that day of the sale. I never knew it was going to be Daily Sales and Paid Out the Same Day!!
✅️ For anyone on the fence, reachout and let me show you how this blueprint works. It's definitely not your average program, it's your blueprint towards success.
Learn the true organic way to generate leads and build followings quick with a proven blueprint that is now at 7.2 million in sales. 100% to it's members.š„
✅️ Check my site https://www.dailymoneywithjakob.com. But let me explain how these numbers worked for me.š And best part was $129.00 one-time purchase brought me $1700 in 7 days. $6300 in 3 weeks and $11,000 in 4 weeks.
š Because the blueprint works!!
š Because the value in this platform is pure gold.
š Because everyone wants to learn all they can in one place.
š Because we ALL want the same thing, and that is to be successful.
š You get 100% referral commissions.
š Learn how to have leads come to you with strategies that work.
I am excited to share.š

Subscribe also to my YouTube channel for the latest videos and info.

Earn Money by Commenting on Facebook Posts
OLSP System is a platform on wich you can earn $0.25 for every comment on a Facebook post and $7 for every new Affiliate you invite. Very easy system. I have earned $7.50 within a few days.
Sign up here. It only cost one time $7. https://olspsystem.com/join/1118768

I earned $37 with this mailing system
Yesterday I received $37 with My Lead Gen Secret.
How People Are Getting 100 Leads Every Day Without A Website, Without Paid Traffic And All For Only $1.00 Per Day!
Here's what you get with MyLeadGenSecret...
100 drip fed "Business Opportunity" email subscribers into your contact list EVERY 24-Hours...
Done-for-you emailing platform (CAN-SPAM Compliant)...
✔ Earn $5/Month "RESIDUAL INCOME" per referral...
✔ Earn $100 BONUSES for EVERY 5 customers you refer...
✔ Pays by Check, PayPal or Bitcoin...
✔ PLUS...
If You Join MyLeadGenSecret Right Now They Will ALSO PAY YOU on 4 Additional Levels...
Level 1: $5 per month for every referral
Level 2: $4 per month for every referral
Level 3: $3 per month for every referral
Level 4: $2 per month for every referral
Level 5: $1 per month for every referral
The payout options are: PayPal, Check and Bitcoin but because European banks don't accept checks anymore and the current price of Bitcoin, it was also possible to get paid on your Wise account. When you send a Support ticket with your Wise email address and ask for a Wise payout, they will send it to your Wise account.

zaterdag 20 april 2024
LiveGood has launched the new weight loss product LEAN
LiveGood has launched the new weight loss product LEAN yesterday.
The price is only $19.95 for members and the retail price is $27.95.
LEAN addresses ALL FOUR processes that are absolutely CRUCIAL to help you achieve FAST RESULTS that will LAST LONG TERM!
1. INCREASING YOUR METABOLISM – A slow metabolism burns fewer calories, which means more get stored as fat in the body. That's why many people have difficulty losing weight just by cutting calories. Increasing your metabolism burns calories much faster, which will help you burn fat faster without it coming back! This is a crucial first step to a successful weight management process. And LEAN is PACKED with highest quality ingredients like Vitamin B12, Green Tea Extract, L-Carnitine, ALL 7 Digestive Enzymes, and Cha De Bugre all designed to help increase your metabolism to get your body ready to shed that extra fat!
2. EATING LESS – It's no secret that the biggest key to managing weight is burning more calories than you consume. LEAN has 4 super powerful ingredients designed to curb your cravings and suppress your appetite, including Glucomannan that expands in your stomach to help you feel full, Caralluma Fimbriata, one of the world's most powerful natural appetite suppressants, Kidney Bean Extract to suppress your appetite and decrease abdominal fat, and our New Zealand Hops extract that works on the GLP-1 receptor to curb cravings and burn fat!
3. BURNING FAT – When it comes to managing weight, we want to burn that stubborn fat, while at the same time protect our lean muscle mass. This is where most weight management products completely fail. And that's why we've added important ingredients like Chromium to help increase lean muscle mass and Berberine HCI, one of the most highly studied and most powerful ingredients, to improve body mass index while helping to burn fat.
4. IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT - So many people completely ignore the health of the rest of their body, while focusing on managing weight, which leaves them susceptible to other health problems that not only have to be addressed with other products, but can also significantly slow down weight management results. That’s why, in addition to many of the other amazing ingredients, we've also included Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Powder designed to not only reduce existing fat deposits, but also to improve immune function and response!
LiveGood's LEAN Body Composition Improvement Formula is the most POWERFUL and COMPLETE weight management product ever created!

If you are not a member of LiveGood yet, don't wait any longer and register here.
If you upgrade to Affiliate for a one time fee of $40 you can also earn money with our amazing compensation plan. And if you decide to become only a member for a monthly fee of $9.95, you can get all our products for members price. And more and more new products will come soon.

zaterdag 16 december 2023
Win $50,000 in December with LiveGood
Because LiveGood has almost 1 million members worldwide, they celebrate it by give away $10,000 and $50,000.
When you are a member of LiveGood already and you invite at least 1 member, you are in the pool to make a chance to win $10,000.
If you invite 2 or more members, you come in the pool to win $50,000. So don't miss this chance! Do it this month December 2023!
Check for the details the photo below or click here for more information.

If you are not a member of LiveGood, don't wait anymore and register here.

zaterdag 21 oktober 2023
Tijdig betalen betekent geen nieuwe lening meer bij Saldodipje
In het verleden heb ik Saldodipje altijd een goede waardering gegeven. Maar ik heb een addertje onder het gras gevonden waar ik iedereen voor wil waarschuwen.
Ik heb in het verleden mijn laatste 3 leningen altijd keurig op tijd terug betaald. Altijd binnen 5 dagen zodat ik niet de boete hoef te betalen voor het niet hebben van een garantsteller.
Maar bij de eerste 2 aflossingen kon ik iedere keer 100 euro minder lenen. En na de tijdige aflossing van mijn derde lening kon ik geen nieuwe lening meer aanvragen omdat "hun interne scoringssysteem" aangeeft dat ik niet in aanmerking kom voor een nieuwe lening. Terwijl ik toch altijd keurig op tijd heb betaald.
Maar dat is blijkbaar alleen omdat ze geen geld voor meer ontvingen voor de zgn. boetes voor het niet hebben van een garantsteller. Blijkbaar is dat hun verdienmodel. Echter is dat bovendien volledig in strijd met de Europese wetgeving waar zowel de Nederlandse als de Spaanse wet onderhevig aan is.
Er zijn in het verleden al diverse rechtszaken aangespannen welke Saldodipje altijd heeft verloren.
Met deze werkwijze raken ze de goedwillende en tijdig betalende klanten snel kwijt.

donderdag 10 augustus 2023
How do I stop links from redirecting me to different sites?
It can happen that when you are visiting a site on Google Chrome, that you are suddenly redirect to other (spam) sites and you don't have access to your original site/page anymore.
To avoid this, always check the settings in your Google account. Read the steps below how to solve this problem.

The steps above worked fine for me in Google Chrome. I don't know if it also works when you use another browser.

zondag 25 juni 2023
Earn unlimited income for only $0.33 per day
I'm joining LiveGood since 23 January 2023 now. So 5 months now.
And I never regret I have joined. With LiveGood you can earn an unlimited stream of income and you pay only a one time fee of $40 and a monthly fee of $9.95. Lots of members earn thousands of Dollars every week!
It's all about duplication. Get 2 other members, help those get 2 and repeat. For every new member you invite, you earn $25 and that will be paid out the next week! Weekly payouts. And the matrix and matching bonuses are paid out every first Thursday of the month and those commissions are increasing every month!
Click the link below to watch the 6 minutes video for all information. And you find also a short form to sign up to this wonderful amazing business! Start work from home now and start your financial freedom today!
You can pay with (prepaid) Credit Card or Cryptocurrency.
Below you can see a recent payment proof of a LiveGood member.

Click here and sign up for free.
Backup all your data and files for less than $10 per month and Earn Money with it
A few weeks ago I joined also another company where you can backup all your computer data, documents, files, photos, videos, audio files etc. for $9.97 per month. And you also earn money with it! Recently they also have introduced the App for Android and iPhone. That company is: GOTBackup. I also made my first withdrawal already and your downline is growing very fast.
But the compensation plan of LiveGood is much more better and you earn more with LiveGood, but with GOTBackup you can earn also a good income as well.
Below you can see my payment proof.

maandag 17 april 2023
$12.83 received from ViDiLOOK
I made my first withdrawal at ViDiLOOK today. I withdrew 13.83523347 USDT.
Because of 1 USDT fee, I received 12.83523347 USDT ($12.83) within 1.5 hr. just by watching videos.
With ViDiLOOK you can watch videos for free. Then you earn $0.15 per day. But if you buy packages, you can earn more money. Up to $66 per day for watching videos for about 55 minutes per day!
If you sign up for free, you can find all information on the site.
Below you can see my payment proof.

Click here and sign up for free.